
Below you will find demo songs recorded in the Jason Starr studios (i.e. my basement), some ideas that I'm playing around with, tracks "From the Archives" (songs that were written and recorded long ago), and eventually fully produced songs and albums.

It should be noted that the goal of most my writing is to create songs that can be played live by myself and just a few other musicians.  As such, I'm trying to keep the number of parts and instruments to a minimum as opposed to creating masterpieces in the studio that can't be replicated in live performances by a few musicians.  I recommend listening to the songs with a good pair of headphones as I tend to use stereo to create depth with a limited number of instruments.

I hope you enjoy the music below, and if you have any comments would love to hear them via the feedback form or you may reach me at jason [at] jasonstarrmusic [dot] com.

Demo Songs

Demo songs are "complete" but just recorded in a home studio and with minimal effects and processing (usually just a little EQ work). Let me know your thoughts and feedback!

Note, downloads of songs are free if you sign up for news and updates. Streaming of songs is free, no sign-up required.


Ideas and Tinkering

These songs are minimally produced so I can share ideas and get feedback, really just capturing ideas during the songwriting process.  Most tracks are recorded within just a few takes of writing the songs, typically by just getting the mix in the room right and then recording by sitting an iPhone in the middle of the room.  The plan with these ideas is to make better recordings that would then go above in the "demo" bucket (which are still rough, but at least multitrack recordings with some amount of mixing, balancing, and stereo effect).

From the Archives

Tracks "From the Archives" are songs that were written and recorded long ago, many on an old Tascam Portastudio 4-track.  I have more old songs from the Accidentals and will repost as I can convert from tape to digital.  "Waste of Time" features Erik Moore on bass and Rich Thompson on drums.  "For Kathy" was written for my wife, a shameless attempt to convince her to marry me (the first time she heard it was when I used it to proposed to her, played to her in beautiful Wash Park in Denver).  It worked!  We even danced to the recorded version at our wedding.

Again, downloads of songs are free if you sign up for news and updates. Streaming of songs is free, no sign-up required.
